Imani Bazzell


Imani Bazzell is the founder and director of SisterNet, a local network of African American women committed to the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health of Black women. In addition, she works as a consultant with educators, unions, nonprofit and state agencies, and community-based organizations on racial justice, gender justice, healthcare access and leadership development for over thirty years.

As the coordinator of ACE - African Americans for Accountability in Education, she works with parents, educators, administrators and concerned community members to correct disparities in the educational experiences of Black children and their families.

Imani's other membership and organizing activities include: Women Against Racism; Champaign County Breast Cancer Coalition; Family Services Self-help Center; Champaign Schools Equity Planning and Implementation Committee; National Racial Justice Educators and Organizers; National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media; National Black Women's Health Project; and the Black Radical Congress.

Currently, she is the director of At Promise…of Success, a collaboration between the Champaign Public Schools, Community Academic Support Network, and the University of Illinois, dedicated to increasing the numbers of African American students who engage in secondary rigorous curriculum and preparing them to attend college. She is also the director of Root Causes, and produces and hosts ACCESS Live, a public engagement radio show dedicated to ending stigmas and increasing awareness surrounding mental health.

Imani has lived in Champaign-Urbana for 17 years. She is married and the mother of three children ages 14, 11, and 4. Pictured here is Imani, along with her four-year-old daughter Aminah holding an historic Bazzell family photograph of her great-great grandmother, great grandfather and great aunts and uncle.